Morgan Hill Amateur Radio Society


Greetings from the Amateur Radio operators (Hams) in Morgan Hill!

Among other things related to ham radio, MHARS operates two repeaters:

  1. 1.  K7DAA 147.33 MHz repeater, +600 kHz shift,  103.5 Hertz sub-audible tone (PL).  The repeater’s main coverage area is from approximately Bernal and Santa Theresa roads in San Jose to Hollister and San Juan Bautista.  It is easy walkie-talkie coverage in Morgan Hill, San Martin, and Gilroy, with selective areas in southern San Jose and Hollister.  The repeater has a full-time IRLP and Echolink connection.  Our IRLP node is 7588 (or 7662--try both).  Our Echolink node number is 9537, which is very similar to the Morgan Hill ZIP code of 95037.  Just drop the zero.

The repeater is located southeast of the dam at Anderson reservoir, in the eastern part of the city, at approximately 935 feet above sea level.  It is equipped to operate on emergency power for up to one week continuously, so is well-suited to be used in times of emergency when local utilities might be interrupted.  Because of its location and sensitivity, it can provide solid hand-held radio coverage in the valley, Anderson reservoir and the surrounding hills.

  1. 2. K7DAA 442.975 MHz repeater, +5 MHz shift, 100 Hz sub-audible tone (PL).  This is a wide-area repeater, with coverage in parts of Monterey (especially good in Monterey Bay) and Seaside to the south, to San Francisco in the north.  Coverage in the Oakland and east bay area is very poor due to blockage from hills and mountains such as Mount Hamilton.  You should expect good to excellent handheld coverage on a large portion of the San Francisco peninsula from Candlestick Park and San Francisco south all the way through Hollister.  Coverage for boaters on the San Francisco Bay is also excellent, dropping off slightly as one nears the Oakland shore.

This repeater is located southeast of Anderson reservoir on Finley Ridge, at a level of about 2100 feet above sea level.  It is a full-time solar-powered repeater, with large solar and battery capacity, capable of running multiple radios continuously night and day.  It is equipped with a very sensitive 2 meter remote base that can be used at any time.  It is often linked to the 147.33 MHz repeater, so that full-duplex crossband operation is supported for those that would like to use this mode.  When linked to the 147.33 MHz repeater, IRLP and Echolink operation is also supported.

MHARS volunteers are also top-notch!  They keep themselves and their equipment ready to provide communications assistance wherever it is needed.

For a map that graphically displays the 147.33 MHz repeater’s useful coverage area, please follow this link:

For a map of the 442.975 MHz repeater coverage, please follow this link:


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This is El Toro hill, the most prominent feature in Morgan Hill, California 95037